1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
| ************************************************************** * FUNCTION * ************************************************************** undefined sess_get_uid() assume gp = 0x4346d0 assume t9 = 0x407c98 undefined v0:1 <RETURN>
sess_get_uid XREF[9]: Entry Point(*), phpcgi_main:00405498(c), authentication:0040825c(c), sess_generate_captcha:0040861c(c sess_validate:004087b0(c), sess_logout:0040893c(c), hedwigcgi_main:00409648(c), pigwidgeoncgi_main:00409c44(c), 0042c714(*) 00407c98 43 00 1c 3c lui gp,0x43 assume t9 = <UNKNOWN> assume gp = <UNKNOWN> 00407c9c c0 ff bd 27 addiu sp,sp,-0x40 00407ca0 d0 46 9c 27 addiu gp,gp,0x46d0 00407ca4 3c 00 bf af sw ra,local_4(sp) 00407ca8 38 00 be af sw s8,local_8(sp) 00407cac 34 00 b7 af sw s7,local_c(sp) 00407cb0 30 00 b6 af sw s6,local_10(sp) 00407cb4 2c 00 b5 af sw s5,local_14(sp) 00407cb8 28 00 b4 af sw s4,local_18(sp) 00407cbc 24 00 b3 af sw s3,local_1c(sp) 00407cc0 20 00 b2 af sw s2,local_20(sp) 00407cc4 1c 00 b1 af sw s1,local_24(sp) 00407cc8 18 00 b0 af sw s0,local_28(sp) 00407ccc 10 00 bc af sw gp=>_gp,local_30(sp) 00407cd0 f4 80 99 8f lw t9,-0x7f0c(gp)=>->sobj_new = 0040f560 00407cd4 00 00 00 00 nop 00407cd8 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_new undefined sobj_new() 00407cdc 21 b0 80 00 _move s6,a0 00407ce0 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407ce4 00 00 00 00 nop 00407ce8 f4 80 99 8f lw t9,-0x7f0c(gp)=>->sobj_new = 0040f560 00407cec 00 00 00 00 nop 00407cf0 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_new undefined sobj_new() 00407cf4 21 90 40 00 _move s2,v0 00407cf8 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407cfc 42 00 04 3c lui a0,0x42 00407d00 dc 82 99 8f lw t9,-0x7d24(gp)=>->getenv = 004194b0 00407d04 cc a5 84 24 addiu a0=>s_HTTP_COOKIE_0041a5cc,a0,-0x5a34 = "HTTP_COOKIE" 00407d08 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>getenv char * getenv(char * __name) 00407d0c 21 98 40 00 _move s3,v0 00407d10 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407d14 72 00 40 12 beq s2,zero,LAB_00407ee0 00407d18 42 00 04 3c _lui a0,0x42 00407d1c 70 00 60 12 beq s3,zero,LAB_00407ee0 00407d20 00 00 00 00 _nop 00407d24 6e 00 40 10 beq v0,zero,LAB_00407ee0 00407d28 21 a0 40 00 _move s4,v0 00407d2c 21 88 00 00 clear s1 00407d30 3b 00 15 24 li s5,0x3b 00407d34 03 00 1e 24 li s8,0x3 00407d38 3b 00 00 10 b LAB_00407e28 00407d3c 20 00 17 24 _li s7,0x20 LAB_00407d40 XREF[1]: 00407e30(j) 00407d40 1b 00 22 12 beq s1,v0,LAB_00407db0 00407d44 02 00 22 2a _slti v0,s1,0x2 00407d48 05 00 40 10 beq v0,zero,LAB_00407d60 00407d4c 00 00 00 00 _nop 00407d50 0a 00 20 12 beq s1,zero,LAB_00407d7c 00407d54 00 00 00 00 _nop 00407d58 33 00 00 10 b LAB_00407e28 00407d5c 01 00 94 26 _addiu s4,s4,0x1 LAB_00407d60 XREF[1]: 00407d48(j) 00407d60 02 00 02 24 li v0,0x2 00407d64 1d 00 22 12 beq s1,v0,LAB_00407ddc 00407d68 00 00 00 00 _nop 00407d6c 2d 00 3e 16 bne s1,s8,LAB_00407e24 00407d70 42 00 05 3c _lui a1,0x42 00407d74 24 00 00 10 b LAB_00407e08 00407d78 21 20 40 02 _move a0,s2 LAB_00407d7c XREF[1]: 00407d50(j) 00407d7c 29 00 17 12 beq s0,s7,LAB_00407e24 00407d80 00 00 00 00 _nop 00407d84 74 81 99 8f lw t9,-0x7e8c(gp)=>->sobj_free = 0040e6b8 00407d88 00 00 00 00 nop 00407d8c 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_free undefined sobj_free() 00407d90 21 20 40 02 _move a0,s2 00407d94 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407d98 00 00 00 00 nop 00407d9c 74 81 99 8f lw t9,-0x7e8c(gp)=>->sobj_free = 0040e6b8 00407da0 00 00 00 00 nop 00407da4 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_free undefined sobj_free() 00407da8 21 20 60 02 _move a0,s3 00407dac 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) LAB_00407db0 XREF[1]: 00407d40(j) 00407db0 4e 00 15 12 beq s0,s5,LAB_00407eec 00407db4 3d 00 02 24 _li v0,0x3d 00407db8 1a 00 02 12 beq s0,v0,LAB_00407e24 00407dbc 02 00 11 24 _li s1,0x2 00407dc0 6c 82 99 8f lw t9,-0x7d94(gp)=>->sobj_add_char = 0040eb08 00407dc4 21 28 00 02 move a1,s0 00407dc8 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_add_char undefined sobj_add_char() 00407dcc 21 20 40 02 _move a0,s2 00407dd0 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407dd4 13 00 00 10 b LAB_00407e24 00407dd8 01 00 11 24 _li s1,0x1 LAB_00407ddc XREF[1]: 00407d64(j) 00407ddc 03 00 15 16 bne s0,s5,LAB_00407dec 00407de0 21 28 00 02 _move a1,s0 00407de4 0f 00 00 10 b LAB_00407e24 00407de8 03 00 11 24 _li s1,0x3 LAB_00407dec XREF[1]: 00407ddc(j) 00407dec 6c 82 99 8f lw t9,-0x7d94(gp)=>->sobj_add_char = 0040eb08 00407df0 00 00 00 00 nop 00407df4 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_add_char undefined sobj_add_char() 00407df8 21 20 60 02 _move a0,s3 00407dfc 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407e00 09 00 00 10 b LAB_00407e28 00407e04 01 00 94 26 _addiu s4,s4,0x1 LAB_00407e08 XREF[1]: 00407d74(j) 00407e08 6c 81 99 8f lw t9,-0x7e94(gp)=>->sobj_strcmp = 0040e4b0 00407e0c 00 00 00 00 nop 00407e10 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_strcmp undefined sobj_strcmp() 00407e14 d8 a5 a5 24 _addiu a1=>DAT_0041a5d8,a1,-0x5a28 = 75h u 00407e18 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407e1c 08 00 40 10 beq v0,zero,LAB_00407e40 00407e20 21 88 00 00 _clear s1 LAB_00407e24 XREF[6]: 00407d6c(j), 00407d7c(j), 00407db8(j), 00407dd4(j), 00407de4(j), 00407eec(j) 00407e24 01 00 94 26 addiu s4,s4,0x1 LAB_00407e28 XREF[3]: 00407d38(j), 00407d58(j), 00407e00(j) 00407e28 00 00 90 82 lb s0,0x0(s4) 00407e2c 00 00 00 00 nop 00407e30 c3 ff 00 16 bne s0,zero,LAB_00407d40 00407e34 01 00 02 24 _li v0,0x1 00407e38 22 00 00 10 b LAB_00407ec4 00407e3c 42 00 05 3c _lui a1,0x42 LAB_00407e40 XREF[2]: 00407e1c(j), 00407ed8(j) 00407e40 9c 82 99 8f lw t9,-0x7d64(gp)=>->sobj_get_string = 0040e1cc 00407e44 21 20 60 02 move a0,s3 LAB_00407e48 XREF[1]: 00407ee4(j) 00407e48 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>getenv undefined sobj_get_string() char * getenv(char * __name) 00407e4c 00 00 00 00 _nop 00407e50 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407e54 21 20 c0 02 move a0,s6 00407e58 78 80 99 8f lw t9,-0x7f88(gp)=>->sobj_add_string = 0040e8f0 00407e5c 00 00 00 00 nop 00407e60 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_add_string undefined sobj_add_string() 00407e64 21 28 40 00 _move a1,v0 00407e68 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407e6c 06 00 40 12 beq s2,zero,LAB_00407e88 00407e70 00 00 00 00 _nop 00407e74 0c 83 99 8f lw t9,-0x7cf4(gp)=>->sobj_del = 0040e724 00407e78 00 00 00 00 nop 00407e7c 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_del undefined sobj_del() 00407e80 21 20 40 02 _move a0,s2 00407e84 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) LAB_00407e88 XREF[1]: 00407e6c(j) 00407e88 1a 00 60 12 beq s3,zero,LAB_00407ef4 00407e8c 21 20 60 02 _move a0,s3 00407e90 0c 83 99 8f lw t9,-0x7cf4(gp)=>->sobj_del = 0040e724 00407e94 3c 00 bf 8f lw ra,local_4(sp) 00407e98 38 00 be 8f lw s8,local_8(sp) 00407e9c 34 00 b7 8f lw s7,local_c(sp) 00407ea0 30 00 b6 8f lw s6,local_10(sp) 00407ea4 2c 00 b5 8f lw s5,local_14(sp) 00407ea8 28 00 b4 8f lw s4,local_18(sp) 00407eac 24 00 b3 8f lw s3,local_1c(sp) 00407eb0 20 00 b2 8f lw s2,local_20(sp) 00407eb4 1c 00 b1 8f lw s1,local_24(sp) 00407eb8 18 00 b0 8f lw s0,local_28(sp) 00407ebc 08 00 20 03 jr t9=>sobj_del 00407ec0 40 00 bd 27 _addiu sp,sp,0x40 LAB_00407ec4 XREF[1]: 00407e38(j) 00407ec4 6c 81 99 8f lw t9,-0x7e94(gp)=>->sobj_strcmp = 0040e4b0 00407ec8 d8 a5 a5 24 addiu a1=>DAT_0041a5d8,a1,-0x5a28 = 75h u 00407ecc 09 f8 20 03 jalr t9=>sobj_strcmp undefined sobj_strcmp() 00407ed0 21 20 40 02 _move a0,s2 00407ed4 10 00 bc 8f lw gp,local_30(sp) 00407ed8 d9 ff 40 10 beq v0,zero,LAB_00407e40 00407edc 42 00 04 3c _lui a0,0x42 LAB_00407ee0 XREF[3]: 00407d14(j), 00407d1c(j), 00407d24(j) 00407ee0 dc 82 99 8f lw t9,-0x7d24(gp)=>->getenv = 004194b0 00407ee4 d8 ff 00 10 b LAB_00407e48 00407ee8 dc a5 84 24 _addiu a0=>s_REMOTE_ADDR_0041a5dc,a0,-0x5a24 = "REMOTE_ADDR" LAB_00407eec XREF[1]: 00407db0(j) 00407eec cd ff 00 10 b LAB_00407e24 00407ef0 21 88 00 00 _clear s1 LAB_00407ef4 XREF[1]: 00407e88(j) 00407ef4 3c 00 bf 8f lw ra,local_4(sp) 00407ef8 38 00 be 8f lw s8,local_8(sp) 00407efc 34 00 b7 8f lw s7,local_c(sp) 00407f00 30 00 b6 8f lw s6,local_10(sp) 00407f04 2c 00 b5 8f lw s5,local_14(sp) 00407f08 28 00 b4 8f lw s4,local_18(sp) 00407f0c 24 00 b3 8f lw s3,local_1c(sp) 00407f10 20 00 b2 8f lw s2,local_20(sp) 00407f14 1c 00 b1 8f lw s1,local_24(sp) 00407f18 18 00 b0 8f lw s0,local_28(sp) 00407f1c 08 00 e0 03 jr ra 00407f20 40 00 bd 27 _addiu sp,sp,0x40